During my freshman year at UT Dallas, I took part in a project-based engineering design class under the guidance of Dr. Dani Fadda, where I took part in a number of small-scale projects in groups of 3 or 4 students. Toward the end of the semester, I was personally approached by Dr. Joshua Summers, who was then the Department Head of Mechanical Engineering. Dr. Summers asked me to assemble a team of undergraduate students to design and build a puzzle for the 2023 International Conference on Engineering Design, organized by the Design Society.
The goal of the puzzle was to reveal the location of the next ICED conference, which is scheduled to take place at UT Dallas in 2025. Each attendee of ICED 2023 was to be given one piece, and the location of the next conference was to be revealed over the course of the event. I assembled a team to concept and design the puzzle, and together we researched materials and adhesives, created files for laser-cutting and engraving, and designed the puzzle's aesthetics.
The full design report for the project can be found here - check it out!
At the conclusion of the conference, our team was thanked by the Design Society for our work in this public note.